Friday, September 11, 2009

Hi. I'm chiming in to describe some of the projects I dream of doing at Wega Arts. These include readings and performances of Shakespeare, plays by me (Kathy Fehl), brand new musicals, and maybe a production of Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett. I directed Waiting for Godot in NYC once and it was hard and strange but a lot of fun. Waiting for Godot used to be thought of as very modern and mysterious. It's still mysterious but it's kind of an old chestnut by now.

Well, time will tell. I'm really most excited about getting back to serious writing. I'm thrilled about the LeFaye chronicles; Holly Martin is working on the script adaptation from the novel which was written by Christy Robinson, right here in Weyauwega. 

Writing is a medium of expression available to everybody, for free. Following one's own thoughts is an ancient and rewarding pursuit. Recording one's own observations of everything that goes on around one is a way of being like a scientist and having the whole world as a laboratory. 

I have been struggling to find the time to write, even though I know from experience how happy it makes me. This struggle probably is familiar to many people; it is partly a sign of the times - one person is busier than the next - and also of the need to feel confident in the value of something one might try to do without being certain of a reward of any kind.

Well, I'm signing off for now.

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